15 Fun Spring Activities For You And Your German Shepherd

May 3, 2022

After a long winter, the weather is finally warming up, the days are longer, and adventure is calling. You and your dog are probably excited to enjoy some activities together and looking forward to having some fun.

Some of our best Springtime fun activities include:

1. Go shopping! Spring is the perfect time to go out and buy a colorful new dish, collar or harness, and leash. There is just something special about having new Spring gear and that goes for our dogs, too.

2. Adjust yourselves! After spending more time indoors, what better way to help you and your dog transition to a more active Spring lifestyle than with a visit to the chiropractor? Although it sounds indulgent, an adjustment and massage will help you both get moving.

3. Toy time! Don’t forget to toss some new dog toys in your shopping cart. A new ball, flying disc, and chew toy are perfect for starting Springtime fun on the right paw. Your dog will love playing with their new toys outside in the fresh air.

4. Take a hike! After being cooped up all winter, there is something about Springtime that unleashes the beast. Go for a hike somewhere beautiful that is full of new sights, smells, and sounds. Your best friend will love you for it.

5. Go camping! If even more outdoor adventure is your thing, unplug with your dog and go dry camping. Whether you choose the mountains or the beach, there is plenty of fun (with no distractions) waiting for you at pet-friendly campsites.

6. Road Trip! If roughing it isn’t your jam, plan a pup-friendly road trip. There are plenty of pet-friendly hotels that will welcome your dog so, with a little pre-planning, you should be able to plan an adventure that is fun for both of you.

7. Get in shape! Do you or your dog need to shed some winter pudge? Spring is the perfect time to embark on a new exercise routine you both will love. It doesn’t matter if you walk your neighborhood or a local park, your dog will be thankful for every step you take together.

8. Get wet! If your dog loves water, a day at the beach, lake or even a local dog pool is great fun and burns off tons of energy. If taking a dunk isn’t your dog’s style, enjoying the shoreline without going swimming can be lots of fun, too.

9. Spring selfies! There are plenty of photo ops in the Spring with all the blooming flowers, trees, and green grass. Take this opportunity to capture some special memories of your pup. If you want to be included in the pictures, solicit a friend or photographer to take some extra special shots with you with your dog. Then frame them to create an extra special memento.

10. Pupnic! Rather than picking up some fast food at the drive-through, how about packing a dog-friendly picnic and heading to the park? What could be more fun for your dog than tasty grub and spending time outside in a new place? Don’t forget dessert.

11. Training time! Spring is the perfect time to engage in some refresher training. Practicing your training commands outdoors with distractions in the beautiful weather makes training more challenging while keeping it fun for you both.

12. Let’s play! Great weather is calling and there is no better time to play outdoors than the Spring when it’s not yet too hot and no longer cold. It doesn’t matter if you play fetch, build an agility course, or toss a flying disc, spending some time in the fresh air with your dog will provide you both with some refreshment.

13. Treatos! With all the extra exercise you and your dog are getting, how about trying a new special treat? Would your dog like some ice cream, to take a trip to a dog-friendly bakery, or chow down on tasty meaty bone?

14. Take a class! Spring is also the perfect time to learn something new. Check out what classes are being taught in your area and enroll your dog. Try a scent workshop, barn hunt, tricks, or urban herding to challenge your pet.

15. Take it easy! With all this fun, it’s important to schedule downtime with you and your dog. There is nothing like chilling together with a good movie, snacks, and lots of pets. It’s also fun to chill by sleeping in and just hanging out at home with friends.

The truth is, your dog will be happy as long as you get in some sort of activity and spend time together. Nothing can replace the special moments you get to spend with your best fur friend and spending some quality time together no matter what you do, will make your dog happy.

We’d love to hear all about your favorite Spring activities. As always, we hope you enjoy this article. Please feel free to share with your friends.

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