15 Types Of People Who Should Never Own A German Shepherd

Mar 16, 2021

German shepherds are a very special breed with lots of traits unique to them. They make wonderful pets for the right people. But, there are certain people who should never own one.

Just as a tiger can’t change its stripes, a German shepherd can’t change what it was bred to be. To know them is to love them but that means embracing all they are if you want to own one. Here are 15 types of people who should never own a German shepherd:

1. People who hate to vacuum

German shepherds shed. A lot. All year long. If you don’t want to vacuum and sweep up dog hair almost every day, you should not own a German shepherd.

2. People who don’t appreciate nose art

German shepherds are super curious and get their long noses in and on everything. They love nothing more than to press that probing snout onto your doors and windows, leaving behind wet nose prints. If these smears will get you down, you should not own a German shepherd.

3. People who have a fur phobia

German shepherds have thick double coats. Their fur has a way of sticking to everything including the inside of shoes, clothing, furniture, and finds its way into the oddest places. If you have an aversion to finding dog fur on your stuff, you should not own a German shepherd.

4. People who love their personal space

If your personal space is more important to you than your pet, you should not own a German shepherd. German shepherds love nothing more than to follow you everywhere, stick by your side, and sit as close as possible to you, even in the bathroom.

5. People who hate the outdoors

German shepherds need lots of exercise. They love to run and play outdoors with their owners. If you don’t like being outside enjoying the fresh air with your dog every day, you should not get a German shepherd.

6. People who don’t like to laugh

German shepherds are funny. They enjoy acting silly and are very entertaining. They will do hilarious things to get your attention. If you don’t want your dog to make you laugh, you should not get a German shepherd.

7. People who don’t want to share their snacks

German shepherds have great hearing and an excellent sense of smell. No snack or treat will get past them. If you never want to share your snacks, don’t get a German shepherd.

8. People who don’t like toys

If you don’t like toys all over the house, you should not get a German shepherd. German shepherds love to play. They’ll scatter their toys all over the house and yard and are happiest when you’re playing with their toys with them.

9. People who don’t like to give butt scratches

You know that low spot on the back above the tail? Well, German shepherds love to be scratched there and will back up to you just so you can reach the right spot. If you’re not the butt scratchy type of person, you should not get a German shepherd.

10. People who don’t like snuggles

German shepherds are big on cuddles. They love to snuggle up close and watch television or take a nap. If you let them sleep in your bed, even better. If you’re the type who doesn’t like to cuddle, you should not get a German shepherd.

11. People who like to go everywhere alone

If you like to go everywhere alone, you should not get a German shepherd. German shepherds love to go wherever you go. It doesn’t matter if it’s a long road trip or a short drive, they love to go on outings just so they can be with you.

12. People who don’t want to take the time to train one

German shepherds are super smart but they can’t train themselves. They need lots of training, socialization, and guidance to be the good dog they were born to be. If you can’t spend time training your dog every day, you should not own a German shepherd.

13. People who don’t take the time to understand them

German shepherds are working dogs. That’s where the “herd” in their name comes from. As working dogs, they are busy, energetic, smart, have a lot of stamina, and need to keep busy to be happy. If you don’t want to take the time to understand what they need to be part of the family without creating problems, you should not get a German shepherd.

14. People who are gone all the time

German shepherds are very loyal family members who make excellent companions. They want nothing more than to spend all their time with their people. They are okay for short times by themselves but they were not meant to be alone all the time. If you don’t have time to spend with your dog, you should not get a German shepherd.

15. People who don’t have time for love

German shepherds are very loving dogs. They give their whole heart to love and protect their family. Once they enter your life, their entire purpose is to love and take care of you. If you don’t have room to give 100% of your heart to your dog, you should not get a German shepherd.

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