6 Drool Worthy Doggy Ice Cream Recipes

Jul 12, 2019

Summer is here and with it come the lazy dog days of summer. Everyone enjoys cool summer treats so we searched high and low to bring you the best dog approved ice cream recipes we could find!

These are healthy alternatives to Frosty Paws. The dog ice cream recipes are proven to be delicious, low in fat, preservatives, are affordable, and healthy, so go ahead and indulge your dog (you may even like them too!).


Peanut Butter Banana Dog Ice Cream:


32 ounces of plain yogurt

1 ripe banana

2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter

2 tablespoons of honey



Mash the banana and stir it into the yogurt. Warm the peanut butter until it’s easy to stir. Mix the banana, honey and yogurt into the peanut butter. Pour the mixture into the non-stick container of your choice and freeze. This tastes like a frozen banana if you toss in some carob chips.


Strawberry Splash Dog Ice Cream:


1 small tub of fresh strawberries

3 cups of low/non-fat, plain yogurt.



Mash the strawberries using a potato masher. Mix strawberries with yogurt and freeze. Blueberries and cranberries can also be used. The possibilities are endless.


Carob Chip Dog Ice Cream


12 ounces low/non-fat, plain yogurt

1/3 cup of carob chips

1 tablespoon of honey.



Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until well-combined. Pour mixture into containers and freeze. This is so good you’ll want to eat it yourself!


Blueberry Surprise Dog Ice Cream

Ingredients: 1 small tub of blueberries

3 or 4 cups of low/nonfat plain yogurt

1 tbsp of honey

½ cup rice crispy cereal.



Mix honey into the yogurt, stir in blueberries and rice crispy cereal. Pour mixture into containers and freeze.


Peanut Butter Carob Swirl Dog Ice Cream


32 ounces plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt

1 cup of natural peanut butter

½ cup of carob chips.



Divide the yogurt evenly into your chosen containers. Pour peanut butter into a small bowl. Pour carob chips into a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 15 seconds or unto melted. Pour spoonful’s of melted carob over peanut butter and stir to swirl. Pour peanut butter/carob mixture on the top of the yogurt and freeze.


Carob Peanut Butter Dog Ice Cream


12 ounces plain low/nonfat yogurt

1/3 cup carob chips

½ cup peanut butter

1 tablespoon honey



Mix yogurt, carob chips, peanut butter and honey into a bowl. Combine well and place into container to freeze.


Helpful serving size hint:

For just right serving size, pour your mixed ingredients into ice cube trays, small paper cups, or cup cake pans lined with cupcake liners and freeze overnight or until solid.