The Pros and Cons Of Crate Training

May 3, 2019

To Crate train or not to Crate train? That is the Question. Really, it is an in-depth evaluation of the owners life style. Do you want a large breed dog? Do you want a high drive working breed? A puppy or an adult? Do you live in an apartment building? Or do you live on a Farm with acreage? Is this your first dog? Is this your only dog? Do you work from home or commute to an office? Honest and careful consideration of each question, along with a look at the list below, can help you make the best decision for your family.


Pro Crate:


  • Facilitates potty training, learning not to potty where you sleep.
  • Prevents inappropriate behavior i.e. chewing, counter surfing, harassing older dogs, bolting out open doors.
  • Safer vehicle transport.
  • Puppy safe place in den like atmosphere.
  • Helps establish activity routine.
  • Allergic family members or guests are less bothered by dog dander
  • Prevents most territorial, possessive behaviors.
  • Protects pups from injury by older dogs, younger children.
  • Requires all physical and mental stimulation be provided by owner. A huge advantage for specific training.
  • Crate comes with removable divider for proper sizing as the dog matures.


Con Crate:


  • Misused, can create obsessive, anxiety behaviors through insufficient exercise and lack of mental stimulation.
  • Requires all physical and mental stimulation be provided by owner. A huge disadvantage for low activity or extremely busy/distracted dog owners.
  • Difficult for claustrophobic dogs.
  • Possible injury during escape attempts.
  • Can delay development of “tell behaviors” for going potty.
  • Can lead to bladder infections from infrequent relief schedule or cleaning.
  • Largest breed dogs will likely need a second, larger crate purchased when full grown for adequate housing size. The dog should always be able to stand with head fully erect.


Many crate trained adult dogs retain a love for their crate even when not regularly used anymore. When the crate is left in a room with the door open, they will happily curl up in them for a quick nap or a little quiet time. Also, having prevented destructive and scavenging behaviors in puppyhood, create quite trustworthy adults.