Tips For Having A Happy, Well-Behaved German Shepherd

Oct 2, 2018

Many will tell you that the key to having a well-behaved dog is to train, train, and train. Unfortunately, this is only partly true. While loads of training will help keep your dog well-behaved, there are some elements that, if not included in training or other parts of daily routine, can cause serious repercussions to your dog’s behavior, and possibly your home.


  • Physical Exercise. Dogs have to have physical exercise. Letting them out into the yard doesn’t count. They need to go on walks, and they need to have agility, strength, and cardio exercise every day. This will not only keep them in good shape and in a healthy state, but it will also cut down on the dog becoming bored, and therefore acting up by destroying things in your home, having potty accidents, etc.
  • Mental Exercise. Dogs must have mental stimulation. Just like a child or adult human, dogs must be occupied. Sometimes a bone is good enough, but most times, unless your dog has had a healthy dose of mental exercise for the day, your dog is going to find something that satisfies his/her need to think and play. That something may just be your couch cushions!
  • Consistency. Routine. Dogs have to have routine, especially if they are nervous or easily excitable. Being in the same place, at the same time, every day, will help your dog become comfortable, which will cause less behavioral issues down the road. The same is true for staying consistent with one’s rules. If the dog is not allowed on the couch, don’t call them onto the couch. If the dog isn’t supposed to be in a certain room, don’t call them into that room. This only confuses them, and they will begin to misbehave and not even know it.


These are just a few of the many ways to help your dog have less behavior issues and a more loving, carefree, lifestyle. These are all healthy practices that show your dog how to vent energy, mind power, and get rid of boredom. Do you have any of your own tricks of the trade? What are some aspects of behavior training that you believe are necessary in order to have a well-rounded dog that doesn’t throw temper-tantrums?


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