Different German Shepherd Working Titles And What They Mean

Dec 21, 2021

Today we'll discuss what working titles you may find in a typical pedigree and what they mean. We'll also discuss what may go into earning some of these titles.

AD Aus dauerprufing: Endurance Title – the dog must be at least 16 months. An endurance test performed by gaiting approximately six to ten miles per hour for about 12 miles with a ten minute rest halfway and a simple obedience test at the end. AD is a prerequisite for a Korung evaluation.

B or BH Begleithunde: Basic companion dog, traffic sureness. This is the preliminary and prerequisite test for a dog going on to get his/her Schutzhund titles. A combination temperament and obedience test. B and BH are used interchangeably. The dog must be at least 15 months old.

WH: Watch Dog. Watchdog title, the dog must be 15 months.


Schutzhund originated in Germany in the early 1900’s as a breeding suitability test for the German shepherd dog. It was started by Max von Stephanitz who is the founder of the German Shepherd breed. He designed it to be a breed test, but now it's a competitive sport.

SchH1: Novice Schutzhund qualification in tracking, obedience, and protection. The dog must be at least 18 months old.

SchH2: Intermediate Schutzhund qualification in tracking, obedience, and protection. The dog must be at least 19 months old.

SchH3: Highest level of Schutzhund tracking, obedience, and protection. The dog must be 20 months old.

SchHA: A limited SchH title, similar to SchH I but without the tracking portion.

VPG = Vielseitigkeitsprufung fur Gebrauchshunde (Versatility Test for Working (Utility) Dogs in Germany.

As a response to changing politics in Germany, in 2004 the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) and the Deutscher Hundesportverein (DHV) made substantial changes to Schutzhund. The DHV adopted the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) rules that govern IPO titles, so that at least on paper the SV and DHV gave up control of the sport to the FCI. The DHV changed the name of the titles from “SchH” (Schutzhund) to “VPG” (Vielseitigkeitsprüfung für Gebrauchshunde which roughly translates Versatility examination for working dogs). The SV has retained the “SchH” title names, but otherwise conforms to the DHV/FCI rules.

FH: Fahrtenhund, tracking qualification.

FH1: Advanced tracking. The dog must be 18 Months

FH2: Superior tracking qualification. This is the most advanced tracking title. The dog must be 20 Months

International Trial Titles

IPO1: International Novice Schutzhund trial qualification. International trial rules similar to Schutzhund test, but with some variations.

IPO2: International Intermediate Schutzhund. International trial rules again, very similar to Schutzhund 2 (SchH2) more challenging with tracking, obedience and protection.

IPO3: International highest level Schutzhund. International trial rules, the full competition level of International Trial Rules.

DH: Service Dog.

DPH: Service Police Dog.

PH Polizehund: Police Dog.

HGH Herdengebrauchshund: Herding dog- a qualification of dogs working with flocks.

LwH Lawinen Hund: Avalanche Dog.

PFP I, II (PFP1 and PFP2) – Polizeifaehrtenhund I, II: Police Tracking Dog I or II.

ZH ZH1, ZH2 and ZH3: Zollhund, dog trained to work with customs police.

ZFH: Customs Tracking Dog.

RH: Rescue Dog.

Excellent – V (Vorzuglich) 286-300
Very Good – SG (Sehr gut) 270-285
Good – G (Gut) 240-269
Satisfactory B (Befriedigend) 220-239
Insufficient M (Mangelhaft) 0-219

Czech Titles

ZM – Basic title similar to a Schutzhund BH but with bite work
ZPO – Protection title
SPO – Slovak Protection title

ZVV1/SVV1 – The preliminary Czech title, extensive tracking, on and off leash obedience and protection. Similar to Schutzhund 1 (SchH1) but very different.

ZVV2/SVV2 – Much more challenging second Czech title includes more extensive tracking, more intense obedience and difficult protection. Similar to Schutzhund 2 (SchH2) however very difficult and geared towards real everyday situations.

ZVV3/SVV3 – The highest level of Czech Title System on 5-9 dogs receive this prestigious title per year. This title includes very long detailed tracking, full obedience and very extensive protection. Similar to Schutzhund 3 however very demanding and much more realistic.

SP – Tracking title

ZPS – Special tracking title

SP – Participant in Search and Rescue

UPM – Completion of Search and Rescue

ZZP Search and Rescue Dog

ZLP – Avalanche Dog

ZP-VB – Police examination title

SP-PS – Border Patrol Dog title

SPZ – Rescue Dog

SPZ2 – Highest Level Rescue Dog

SLP – Snow Rescue Dog

ZMP – Similar to ZVV, also includes article search (ZMMP) 1st level

ZMP2 - Highest level

International Czech Working Titles

Mistr. CR – Czech Working Champion

Mistr. SR – Slovak Working Champion

UM – Czech National Participant

UM CR – Czech National Champion

UM SR – Slovak National Participant

UMS FCI – National Participant for the World FCI team

UMS WUSV – National Participant for the World WUSV team

KRAJ. VIT – Regional Show Champion

VIT. TR. – Czech Class Champion (Show)

Czech Ratings/Scores

“V” Vyborny: Excellent
Velmi Dobry – Very Good
Dobry – Good
Trida – Class selected to the 1st class or 2nd class
Chov – Champion
Dozivotne – Selected to a breed class for life
Bonitacni Karta – Breed Survey (Series of letters and numbers to describe a dog)
Full Bonitacion – A complete breed survey

AKC Titles

CGC: The dog has a Canine Good Citizen certificate (generally not considered a true working title).

CDEX: CD Excellent.

CD: Companion dog. The first of five working qualifications, each of increasing difficulty, awarded to dogs gaining a certain percentage of total marks at working trials.

HT: Herding Tested.

HC: Herding Champion.

UD: Utility dog. Working Qualification.

TD: Tracking dog. Qualification title for nose work.

TDI: Therapy Dog International.

TT: Temperament Tested.

TC: Temperament Certified.

Other Titles

Gebrauchshundklasse: Working dog class-the only class available for animals over two/in Germany.

BpDH1 2: Railroad Police Dog.

BIH: Blind Leader Dog.

INT Internationale Prufungsklasse: International Training Degree.

BPDH I, II – Bannpolizeidiensthund I or II: Railroad Police Service Dog I or II.

GrH – Grenzen Hund: Border Patrol Dog.

PSP I, II – Polizeischutzhundprufung I, II: Police Protection Dog I or II.

Bundeslestunggssieger (BSP): German National Working Dog Champion awarded at the Bundessiegerprufung (a yearly Schutzhund competition).

Huntesieger: Herding Dog Champion at the German Herding Dog Championships.

M.H. militar hund: Military Dog.

S.H. sanitats hund: Red Cross Dog.

Kr.H. kriegshund: War Dog.

KNPV — The KNPV is also known as the Royal Dutch Police Dog Sport. It began in Holland. The name would imply that the sport trains police dogs. This is not correct, the dogs trained in KNPV can not and should not go directly into police service work. The sport was originally designed to provide a certification program by the Dutch government for civilians to train and title dogs that would then be made available to the Dutch Police. The fact is that many people who train in the KNPV still feel that the purpose of the sport is to provide dogs for service work. Many of the exercises closely relate to skills that are needed as a service dog.


ZB-Zuchtbewertung: Conformation Show Rating followed by:

VA -Vorzuglich Auslese: Excellent Select, the highest attainable award by a German show dog and granted only at the annual Sieger Show.

V – Vorzuglich: Excellent.

SG – Sehr Gut: Very Good; an official German show grade and the highest obtainable by dogs under two.

G – Gut: Good.

VH – Vorhanden: Sufficient show or performance rating.

A – Austreichend: Sufficient show or performance rating.

M – Mangelhaft: Faulty show or performance rating.

U – Ungenugend: Insufficient show or performance rating.

Jugendklasse-ruden: Youth class for males of twelve to eighteen months at German shows.

Jugendklasse-hundinnen: The corresponding class for bitches.

Sieger or siegerin: Title given to the top Male and Female at the German National Show, they will also receive the rating of VA-1.

VA1 – Sieger – Grand Victor at the National Sieger show

VA1 – Siegerin – Grand Victrix at the National Sieger show

Weltsieger: World Seiger title awarded to the top dog at the FCI All Breed Show.

Europasieger: Conformation winner at the European All Breed Show.

Bundeszuchtsieger: Conformation winner at the German National All Breed Show.

Here's a comprehensive list of titles. Some you see all the time, and some that are so obscure that you'll probably never hear of it again after reading this. Unless you read it twice. Which may be a good idea because this list is pretty long! Please leave a like and share! Thank you.

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