35 Stories Of Funny And Embarrassing Things German Shepherds Have Done

Jul 3, 2020

Despite how clever they are, German shepherds seem to have a sense of humor all their own. Their antics, personalities, and sense of humor are priceless. There is simply no other breed that can compare.

We asked for your most funny or embarrassing stories and here are a few you shared with the German Shepherd Shop-check it out to see if you find your dog below.

1. Her eyes bet bigger and bigger with every second that passes!

“Echo doesn’t like hugs. She puts up with them but isn’t a fan. Look at these three pics. The longer my son hugs her, the bigger her eyes get. Seriously sending out an SOS.”

Owned by Misty Owens Weddle

2. Pass if you dare lol

“One of our Shepherds liked to dig down under a bush and lie in wait until someone walked by then bark ferociously just after they passed. They would jump out of their skin and he would have a big shepherd smile on his face and go back under the bush.” By Scott Trautman

3. I have no shame.

“Friday (that’s my pup’s name) is a butt sniffer. Not just a casual sniffer....she really gets up there. Last summer on a very hot day we were at the river. There was a woman in a thong bikini pacing on the beach while talking on her cell. Friday went right up behind her and just planted her nose right up the lady’s butt! So embarrassing!!”

Owned by Tamara Arthur

4. When your dog is a creeper.

“While traveling on the New York State Thruway, I had to use the restroom. I never leave the dogs in the car. So Luna and Tango come with me, and we use the large family restroom. It happened to be out of order oh, so I had to use the ladies room with two German Shepherds. Luna is polite and sits quietly while I do my business. But Tango had to stick his head underneath and check out the stall next to us. The woman screamed when his big head popped under. I thought it was hysterical. She did not.” By Anne Marie Riggie

5. Those frogs are scary.

“Zeke (100+ lbs) is afraid of the glass decorative frogs in a neighbor’s yard. We have to cross the street.”

Owned by Jackie Cheatham

6. When your own dog’s marks you.

“I had him at a dog park where there was several dogs and people around. I was talking to a lady and petting her dog when Loki just walked up beside me, cocked his leg and marked me. I guess he told the other dogs that I am his human.” By Bob Paul

7. Maybe he thought it was for sale?

“In the pet store looking at treats and turned around and she was sniffing a lady booty. LOL”

Owned by Lisa Everett

8. Must have been off duty.

“Someone stole my car radio with my protection trained German shepherd sleeping in the back seat.” By Sarah Sherman

9. He will never be a seeing eye dog.

“Took him out for a walk walked past a cat and he didnt take his eyes off of it then walked straight into a concrete wall. Did the same a week later but walked into someone's wheelie bin lol” By Danielle Davidson

10. Ditched mom!

“Ditched me at the dog park and then pestered a strange man to throw his ball for him.”

Owned by Gina Giacomelli

11. Not that tree!

“Walked in my mom’s house at Christmas and immediately sniffed and then pissed on the [Christmas tree].” By Brad Davis

12. If it looks like urine, and it smells like urine, it might be urine….

“Peed on a case of water at tractor supply” By Mandy Harmon

13. I’m here to help.

“Brought my daughters underwear to a boiler repairman in our home!” By Keary Sibole Anderson

14. Let me tell you about my friend, Mr. Turtle.

“My German shepherd and his turtle friend he found in the woods.”

Owned by Nancy Paul

15. Rude!

“Ripped a carrier bag out of a mans hand who was walking on the beach and legged it with his lunch.” Karol Anne

16. Maybe it’s Molly who is embarrassed?

“Molly doing a bit of snorkeling.”

Owned by Christina Mittiga Gagliardi

17. Passive aggressive sheppy.

“My seeing eye dog Dakota (GSD) when he gets mad at me, he will go in my room and eat my guitar picks. Later when I take him out for a bathroom break, my wife tells me she sees my guitar picks in his poop. I don't need them bad enough to dig them out.” By Mack Billings

18. Crazy cuc!

“He eats cucumbers.”

Owned by Don Schmutz

19. Oh no!

“Locked me out of the house!” Sharon Reece

20. And, the prize for biggest mess goes to…

“Licking dishes in dishwasher, collar got stuck on rack. Panicked and took off with full rack of dishes breaking behind him.” By Gary and Tiina Sumner

21. Maybe this dog was inspired by the diapers?

“Whilst talking to the lady about her new born in the push chair, Thomas decided to cock his leg, all over her shopping on the bottom tray. Slightly embarrassing.” By Simon Cooper

22. Hello it’s me.

“Helping us build a fence!”

Owned by Cindy Borucki Faulisi

23. Who can blame him?

“Stealing pork chops off my neighbors' unattended grill.” By Jon Henson

24. Move over, I’ll fix it.

“New mechanic in town.”

Owned by Jennifer Shephard

25. Someone call de fire department.

“Bella got stuck...”

Owned by Cheryl Rishko

26. No worries, I’ll drive today.

“He wants to try my spot.”

Owned by Lela Ornela

27. What’s up?

“Comes and sits down beside me like a human, lol”

Owned by Leo Shofield

28. Ummm, help?

No words needed.

Owned by David Engesser

29. What mom, it was fun!

“This water loving lunatic ran off to the river, scared a women half to death, and almost pushed her in.”

Owned by Kea Green

30. Anyone need a poop bag?

“She had a harness with a compartment for poop bags. When I tried to pull one out at the dog park she took off running and all the bags came rushing out like a magicians endless scarf trick.”

Owned by Nicole Azzara

31. When you can’t go to the beach, you bring the beach home.

“My girl Bella loves sand. She has her very own sand box.”

Owned by Dar H Hargroves

32. She really needed that nugget.

“She hopped out of the car while in the drive through of Chick-fil-A” By Abbie Lobach

33. She takes a clean shot!

“Naughty Schatzi!”

Owned by Kim Baillod

34. Smart girl!

“She farts in her sleep and it’s no big deal but when I fart she gets up and moves away from me. That big brat!” By Kristina Luthy

*Honorable Mention*

35. That face is priceless!

“He’s only part GSD but mom’s leather chair farted! His face PRICELESS!”

Owned by Anita Gosnell