7 Grooming Tips To Look Like A Pro

Sep 30, 2022

If you take your dog to a groomer, you may not need this article. Or maybe you need it more than you think so you can get professional grade results to save some money during this current economy. Either way, here are a few tips to look like a pro.

● Most dogs have overgrown nails. Most people are afraid to trim too close to the quick, or the nails have been long before and the quick has grown longer than it should be. If you look at any wild canine's nails, they're often very short from walking miles a day, running after prey etc. Most of us don't exercise our dogs to that level, hence their nails need to be trimmed regularly.

Here's a pro tip to help you out if your dog's quick has grown too long to just use trimmers. Invest in a dremel. There are ones specifically for pets, but I use a 16 year old one that still plugs into the wall. No fancy cordless dremel for me! I'm kidding about the fancy part, but I'm not kidding about my 16 year old dremel. That's why, in my opinion, I would trust a tradesman quality dremel over one that uses batteries and is specifically for pets. The professional grade one is probably going to last longer and will definitely have more power. You can grind down the nail very close to the quick and slowly over time, it will recede back to its normal length. And if you're squeamish about using clippers and possibly nicking the quick, well, a dremel is the answer to all of your problems. It also leaves no rough edges, which is good for your hardwood and carpets and it's especially good for your skin!

● Invest in a blow dryer for dogs. They're pricey, but they're powerful enough to literally blow the loose undercoat of your dog out. It's much better for your washing machine than throwing in a towel full of German Shepherd fur. And it'll cut down on the amount of time it takes to dry your dog drastically. If dog fur on everything is the bane of your existence like most German Shepherd owners, it may be worth it to you to invest in a professional grade dog blow dryer.

● Dental hygiene is critical when grooming your dog. Most groomers don't even provide this service. Not that I blame them. It's not exactly the brightest idea to stick your fingers in a stranger's dog's mouth. But, if it's your dog, it needs to be done. Poor dental hygiene can literally harm your dog's health. And if you're wondering how severe "harm" is, I mean it can result in death. Brush your dog's teeth daily, and if you're still noticing plaque and buildup, get your dog's teeth cleaned by your vet. I can't stress this enough.

● The right tools are a game changer. If you're a German Shepherd owner and don't have a shedding rake and a shedding blade, buy one of both. From the first time you use them you will agree that they are necessities, not luxuries. You can get professional results and rid yourself of fur clumps in the corner of every room.

● Another key to pro results is the so-called "sanitary trim." That basically means trimming the fur around the anus and the fur that's likely to get ... ummm ... peed on. I'm sorry, I tried to make that sound less gross but I just don't think it's possible. All groomers do a sanitary trim on dogs with longer coats and German Shepherds have a coat that's just long enough to require this. So sorry all, if you want professional level results, you're going to have to do a few things you'd rather not read, much less do.

● Finishing touches are what separate an amateur and a pro. Do you trim the feathery, uneven fur on the back line of the legs? Well, you don't have to. I don't. But if you want that finished look, you may choose to. If you have a long or plush coated dog you may even trim the fur behind the ears, clean up the legs and underside, as well as under the tail. These small finishing touches can make a long coated dog look brand new. And while you're at it, don't forget to trim the fur between the pads and to round out the foot. A hairy foot holds in moisture which can cause bacterial and fungal infections. They also track in more mud and dirt. And lastly, if you've ever tried to pull off the Risky Business slide scene, you had to put on socks, right? So imagine being a dog and walking with fur between your toes on a wood or laminate floor. You'd be slipping and sliding everywhere and that could lead to injuries like pulled muscles, strains, and even worse things like joint injuries. That's why it's critical you never forget that step if you have a dog with hip or elbow dysplasia.

● Last but not least, the best thing about grooming your own dog is that you build a bond of trust with them and get to do a general inspection at the same time. If you have a groomer, I'm sure they're a great person who cares about their clients. People looking for a job rarely say "Hey, I should groom dogs and cats." They choose that profession because they love animals. But nobody loves your animals as much as you do. Take the time to inspect your dog while grooming. If there is a skin condition you should be aware of, you'll spot it early. If your dog has a splinter in their foot, you'll be the first to know. If your dog seems tender in an area or has a lump, you'll find it and be able to alert your vet. Grooming your dog yourself on a regular basis means that you'll be very proactive in noticing if something is going on with your dog's health.

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this article, leave a like and share with friends!

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