9 Human Food Treats That Are Good For Your Dog

Nov 20, 2018

It is sometimes entirely too tempting to give your dog a piece of your lunch. We all have probably done it at some point or another, but did you know there are actually human foods that are good substitutes for those store-bought treats? Here are nine human foods that can double as healthy treats.


Peanut Butter. Peanut butter is a favorite of many dogs. It has lots of protein for your dog, but be sure to buy raw, unsalted peanut butter. Your dog does not need the extra salt.


Chicken (cooked). While some swear by raw chicken, it is safer for you and your family to give your dog cooked chicken, as dogs can act as carriers for salmonella. Chicken is great as a treat. Cut it up into little pieces to reward your dog or add it to your dog’s food for more protein in their diet.


Carrots. Carrots can actually be very good for your dog. They have lots of fibers and vitamin A, and they are low on calories. They can also be used to clean and strengthen your dog’s teeth.


Pasta (cooked). Raw pasta can be sharp and hard. It can cause serious damage to your dog’s mouth, throat, and digestive system. Cooked pasta can be a great way to add on weight to your dog if they are having weight issues. Vets often suggest adding pasta to a dog’s normal food to “put some meat on their bones,” so to speak.


Blueberries. Some fruits are very dangerous for your dog. At all costs, avoid grapes, raisins, muscadines, etc. However, blueberries are actually a really good treat for your dog. They are “fun sized” so they can be used in training. Be sure to use moderation, but blueberries are high in fiber and Vitamin C.


Bananas. Bananas contain lots of amino acids, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins B6 and C, potassium, fiber and manganese. Bananas are great for a pooch who is used to lots of exercise. If your dog loves to be active, a banana might be just the pick-me-up. Just be sure to use moderation, as bananas do have a good amount of natural sugars too.


Cheese. Make sure your dog isn’t lactose intolerant, but most aren’t and can enjoy a bit of cheese. If you decide on cheese for your doggy, be sure to get the low-fat kind. Use moderation.


Watermelon (seedless). Make sure the watermelon has no seeds as they can be a choking hazard and can make your dog sick. Watermelon contains a great amount of water, so they are great for keeping your dog hydrated during warm seasons. They also contain Vitamins A and C and potassium.


Yogurt. Yogurt is high in calcium and protein, but make sure you purchase yogurt that does not contain added sugars or sweeteners, as these are not good for your pet. Yogurts with active bacteria can act as a probiotic. These are generally good for your dog’s digestive system.