The Benefits of Canine Massage for German Shepherds

Mar 28, 2024

A canine massage is great for your dog’s body and mind. Not only does a massage feel good, it delivers a bunch of health benefits. So, next time you and your German shepherd are chilling out, try giving your dog a massage and see how they like it.

Massage is usually used to relieve pain or discomfort but it can help with so much more. A massage involves gently rubbing, manipulating, and applying pressure to your dog’s soft tissues using specific strokes. If you’ve enjoyed one yourself, you know what we mean.

You can easily learn to give your dog a message or hire a professional. You can find a directory of practitioners on the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork website. Canine rehabilitation therapists and animal chiropractors are also good sources but some may require a referral from your vet.

The Benefits of Canine Massage

Some of the benefits of canine massage include:

Pain relief

Massage can help reduce pain by increasing circulation to tissues, decreasing muscle tension, releasing feel-good endorphins, helping relax muscles and tendons, and reducing the pressure on nerves.

Improve Flexibility to Prevent Injuries

Massage can improve muscle elasticity to help keep your dog limber by helping to keep their muscles relaxed and ready to be stretched during training and playtime. Tight muscles are more prone to injury and can reduce their range of motion.

Recovery/Post Workout Care

After exercise, you can help ease your dog’s muscle fatigue and soreness, help push toxins from their body, and help reduce the risk of them developing chronic pain by reducing muscle tightness.

Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety can be caused by many things including pain, illness, the weather, fireworks, behavior problems, and so much more. One way you can reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety is through massage as it can help your German shepherd release tension and promote a calm state of mind.

Help Your Dog Relax

German shepherds are high-energy dogs that can at times have a hard time relaxing. One way to help them unwind is by giving them a calming massage. A relaxing massage can be given to dogs of all ages and is great for their well-being when they can’t settle down.

Promote Healing

Massage increases blood flow, improves circulation, and stimulates the lymphatic system to help remove toxins from the body. This boosts the immune system to help your dog heal faster and may help prevent disease. It also reduces inflammation, which can trigger a host of health problems.

Early Detection

Regularly giving your dog a massage is a great way to get familiar with your dog’s skin and body to watch for abnormal lumps, bumps, skin problems, and any other changes that may signal a health problem.

Improve Digestion

If your dog suffers from digestive problems (and even if they don’t), a massage can them reduce tension to digest their food better. The relaxing effect of the massage can help enhance nutrient absorption and promote normal elimination.

Emotional Well-Being

Message therapy can be used as a holistic approach to improve the well-being of dogs. It provides numerous health benefits, reduces stress and anxiety, alleviates pain and soreness, and increases feelings of pleasure, which can improve mood and behavior.

Strengthen the Bond you Share

Massaging your dog can strengthen your bond and increase trust. Your dog will love the time you spend together. Some ways you can use massage include integrating it into your training routine or helping your dog relax in the evening when you want to enjoy watching television.

Keep Older Dogs Active

If you can keep your older dog mobile, they will enjoy life longer. Massage can help them feel good, prevent disease, and keep them moving to prevent the symptoms of joint disease and arthritis from taking their toll.

Canine Massage Tips

When starting a massage routine, you’ll want your dog to enjoy it. Start in a relaxed environment and keep initial sessions short. Watch your dog’s body language and be on the lookout for any discomfort or pain.

Be gentle with the amount of pressure you apply to their body so you don’t inflict harm or add insult to injury. Dogs are not people and injury or damage can easily be inflicted on their skeletal system and internal organs if they are pressed hard. If your dog is uncomfortable, don’t force it because it's counterintuitive to what you’re trying to accomplish.

If your dog has an illness or injury that requires therapeutic massage or rehabilitation, seek out a professional for guidance.

When Not to Give a Dog a Massage

Never massage a dog with uncontrolled pain, an open wound, a blood clotting problem, infection, fracture, tumor, or a dog who is suffering from aggression. If your dog has any of these issues, it’s always best to talk to your vet to see when and if it’s safe.

We hope you enjoyed this article and that it inspires you to learn more about how massage can benefit your German Shepherd. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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